在本文中,我们介绍了一个高质量的大规模基准数据集,用于英语 - 越南语音翻译,其中有508音频小时,由331k的三胞胎组成(句子长度的音频,英语源笔录句,越南人目标subtitle句子)。我们还使用强基础进行了经验实验,发现传统的“级联”方法仍然优于现代“端到端”方法。据我们所知,这是第一个大规模的英语 - 越南语音翻译研究。我们希望我们的公开数据集和研究都可以作为未来研究和英语语音翻译应用的起点。我们的数据集可从https://github.com/vinairesearch/phost获得
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头部姿势估计是一个具有挑战性的任务,旨在解决与预测三维向量相关的问题,这为人机互动或客户行为中的许多应用程序提供服务。以前的研究提出了一些用于收集头部姿势数据的精确方法。但这些方法需要昂贵的设备,如深度摄像机或复杂的实验室环境设置。在这项研究中,我们引入了一种新的方法,以有效的成本和易于设置,以收集头部姿势图像,即UET-HEADBETS数据集,具有顶视图头姿势数据。该方法使用绝对方向传感器而不是深度摄像机快速设置,但仍然可以确保良好的效果。通过实验,我们的数据集已显示其分发和可用数据集之间的差异,如CMU Panoptic DataSet \ Cite {CMU}。除了使用UET符号数据集和其他头部姿势数据集外,我们还介绍了称为FSANET的全范围模型,这显着优于UET-HEALPETS数据集的头部姿势估计结果,尤其是在顶视图上。此外,该模型非常重量轻,占用小尺寸图像。
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In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), network-wide anomaly detection is a crucial part of monitoring IoT networks due to the inherent security vulnerabilities of most IoT devices. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) has been proposed to separate network traffics into two disjoint subspaces corresponding to normal and malicious behaviors for anomaly detection. However, the privacy concerns and limitations of devices' computing resources compromise the practical effectiveness of PCA. We propose a federated PCA-based Grassmannian optimization framework that coordinates IoT devices to aggregate a joint profile of normal network behaviors for anomaly detection. First, we introduce a privacy-preserving federated PCA framework to simultaneously capture the profile of various IoT devices' traffic. Then, we investigate the alternating direction method of multipliers gradient-based learning on the Grassmann manifold to guarantee fast training and the absence of detecting latency using limited computational resources. Empirical results on the NSL-KDD dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms baseline approaches. Finally, we show that the Grassmann manifold algorithm is highly adapted for IoT anomaly detection, which permits drastically reducing the analysis time of the system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first federated PCA algorithm for anomaly detection meeting the requirements of IoT networks.
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Symmetry arises in many optimization and decision-making problems, and has attracted considerable attention from the optimization community: By utilizing the existence of such symmetries, the process of searching for optimal solutions can be improved significantly. Despite its success in (offline) optimization, the utilization of symmetries has not been well examined within the online optimization settings, especially in the bandit literature. As such, in this paper we study the invariant Lipschitz bandit setting, a subclass of the Lipschitz bandits where the reward function and the set of arms are preserved under a group of transformations. We introduce an algorithm named \texttt{UniformMesh-N}, which naturally integrates side observations using group orbits into the \texttt{UniformMesh} algorithm (\cite{Kleinberg2005_UniformMesh}), which uniformly discretizes the set of arms. Using the side-observation approach, we prove an improved regret upper bound, which depends on the cardinality of the group, given that the group is finite. We also prove a matching regret's lower bound for the invariant Lipschitz bandit class (up to logarithmic factors). We hope that our work will ignite further investigation of symmetry in bandit theory and sequential decision-making theory in general.
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Pareto Front Learning (PFL) was recently introduced as an effective approach to obtain a mapping function from a given trade-off vector to a solution on the Pareto front, which solves the multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Due to the inherent trade-off between conflicting objectives, PFL offers a flexible approach in many scenarios in which the decision makers can not specify the preference of one Pareto solution over another, and must switch between them depending on the situation. However, existing PFL methods ignore the relationship between the solutions during the optimization process, which hinders the quality of the obtained front. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel PFL framework namely \ourmodel, which employs a hypernetwork to generate multiple solutions from a set of diverse trade-off preferences and enhance the quality of the Pareto front by maximizing the Hypervolume indicator defined by these solutions. The experimental results on several MOO machine learning tasks show that the proposed framework significantly outperforms the baselines in producing the trade-off Pareto front.
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